Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

For this blog entry I decided to analyze a review of a bad film. Not only was this film bad but many consider it one of the worst ever. The movie is Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I chose to analyze an article written by Ty Burr from the Boston Globe. In his review he pounds the movie for his awfulness.
In his review Burr is concerned about the laziness and lack of a plot. He point out that as a two and a half hour sequel the film is padded with comic relief, most of which falls flat. He feels the film goes too far and won’t stop with Sam’s roommate and the twin robots, who often draw comparisons to a much more racist version of Jar Jar Binks.
Visually, Burr says, the film is exhausting. The massive amount of CGI and the ridiculous chase and action scenes is overkill. Michael Bay’s style of direction is unable to put a coherent story together. It is just candy for the eyes. If the camera is not swirling around an exploding robot it is leering at Megan Fox’s attributes.
Burr has two main criteria that he aims at for this movie that he matched and evaluated very well. The first is plot. He suggests throughout his review that the film has a very weak or no plot. Seeing that a strong plot is vital to any good film he bashes Transformers. He would suggest that the film avoids plot and goes merely for sensation. The other criteria is the visual aspects of the film. Film being a visual art needs to be pleasing to the eye. Burr feels that the film disorients the viewer and the shots are incoherent making it terrible to watch.